“Corale Nereid,” a captivating oil on canvas portrait that transcends boundaries with its unique blend of colors and style. Inspired by the expressive nature of Fauvism, this artwork features a red-haired lady whose presence ignites the canvas with vibrancy and passion.
Layers of rich, mixed colors create a dynamic interplay, enhancing the intensity of the subject’s gaze and the fiery hues of her hair. There’s a palpable energy emanating from her, evoking a sense of strength and vulnerability intertwined—a compelling fusion of power and escape, yet with an underlying positivity that captivates the viewer.
“Corale Nereid” invites you to delve into a world where emotions run deep and contradictions intertwine, leaving an indelible impression that lingers long after you’ve beheld its beauty. Add a touch of intrigue and allure to your space with this extraordinary piece that defies convention and speaks to the soul.
Oil on canva
16 x 20 inches / 40,64 x 50,8 cm
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